All in One

Hey, {{}}
{{ zh ? `余额 \$${i2f(user.balance.toString(), 10)}` : `Balance \$${i2f(user.balance.toString(), 10)}` }}
{{ zh ? '价格' : 'Price' }}
Model Input Output Context
GPT-3.5-TURBO $0.0015 / 1k tokens $0.003 / 1k tokens Yes
GPT-4 $0.045 / 1k tokens $0.09 / 1k tokens Yes
GPT-4-1106-PREVIEW $0.015 / 1k tokens $0.045 / 1k tokens Yes
CHAT-BISON $0.00075 / 1k characters $0.00075 / 1k characters Yes
CODECHAT-BISON $0.00075 / 1k characters $0.00075 / 1k characters Yes
GPT-3.5-TURBO-GOOGLE-SEARCH $0.0015 / 1k tokens
$0.0075 / request
$0.003 / 1k tokens No
GPT-4-GOOGLE-SEARCH $0.045 / 1k tokens
$0.0075 / request
$0.09 / 1k tokens No
CODE-BISON $0.00075 / 1k characters $0.00075 / 1k characters No
TEXT-BISON $0.00075 / 1k characters $0.00075 / 1k characters No
WHISPER-1 $0.009 / minute / No
DALL-E $0.03 / image / No
中国区 App Store

iOS 和 Mac 客户端未在中国区 App Store 上架。你需要一个美区 Apple ID, 你可以搜索一下如何注册;如果你已通过其他端付费,可以用付费账号对应的邮箱联系 借用美区 Apple ID。如果你无法使用 App Store 内购,可以在客户端内使用邮箱登录注册,然后在客户端菜单里打开网站。

How do i pay on the web?

If you want to pay on the web, please install the client or open web app, signin/signup with your email, then open the website in Menu.

我该如何在 Web 端支付?

如果是想要在 Web 支付,请安装图形客户端,或者打开 Web App,使用邮箱登录注册,然后在菜单里打开网站。

Web 端支付方式 信用卡 / 支付宝 支持情况

如果因网络原因,支付页面显示比较慢,多试几次或换个网络比如 4G 或 Wi-Fi。支持大陆信用卡,会自动货币转换,若无法支付请联系发卡行。如果看不到支付宝支付方式:支付网关会根据你的 IP 和浏览器语言来展示不同的支付方式。如果选择支付宝,如果未返回商家页面,则订单需要 90 分钟后才可生效,这是正常的,耐心等待下即可。无论任何支付方式,输入错误的支付相关信息都可能被拒付,海外支付网关对欺诈很严格。推荐使用信用卡走来支付,汇率最便宜。

Why can't I receive the verification code by email?

Many people often have their email address typed wrong, remember to check carefully. Also don't forget to check the spam mailbox. If you still cannot receive the verification code after 5 minutes, it may be that your network cannot access our API server. You can try another network. If you are using Microsoft's mailbox, users around the world generally report that they will lose emails without any notification, stay away.


很多人会输错邮件地址,记得仔细检查下,同时不要忘记检查垃圾箱。如果五分钟仍然收不到验证码,可能是你的网络无法访问我们的 API 服务器,可以尝试换个网络,比如用 Wi-Fi 或 4G。如果你正在用微软的邮箱,全球用户普遍反馈会无任何通知丢邮件,远离。

Token length of models

Each model has a maximum token length, and we know the model's memory capacity because we provide the previous conversation as a prompt to the model. Therefore, token length directly affects the context memory capacity and maximum character length. Currently, GPT-3.5-TURBO is 16k, GPT-4-1106-PREVIEW is 128k, while all other models have a limit of 8k tokens. The TEXT-BISON model will use a 32k model when the input content is too long.

模型的 Token 长度

每个模型都有最大 Token 长度,我们知道模型的记忆能力是因为我们将之前的会话内容又作为 Prompt 发给了模型,所以 Token 长度直接影响上下文记忆能力及最大处理字符长度。目前 GPT-3.5-TURBO 为 16k,GPT-4-1106-PREVIEW 为 128k, 其余模型均为 8k。TEXT-BISON 模型会在输入内容过长时选择使用 32k 模型。


GPT-3.5-TURBO, GPT-4, GPT-4-1106-PREVIEW, CHAT-BISON, CODECHAT-BISON support context, which means they will remember the content of the current conversation.


GPT-3.5-TURBO, GPT-4, GPT-4-1106-PREVIEW, CHAT-BISON, CODECHAT-BISON 支持上下文,意思就是会在记忆当前会话上文的内容。

Can I delete my account?

Yes. Deleting your account means that all your information will be deleted from our database. Delete Account



App Store lost order

For in-app purchases in the App Store, the order will be lost in rare cases. If there is a lost order, you can contact the Telegram or Email below to make up the order.

AppStore 补单

App Store 内购,极少数情况会出现丢单,如果出现丢单,可联系下方 Telegram 或 Email 补单。


Join telegram group. Or


加入 Telegram 群组,注意:人们普遍将 Telegram 当做一个匿名交流工具,注意保护自己和他人的隐私。或者